「海を渡った故郷の味 — Flavours Without Borders」は、日本にも様々な迫害から逃れてきた難民が暮らしていることを、もっと多くの方に知っていただきたいという思いから生まれました。
This cookbook "Flavours Without Borders" is dedicated to those who have taken refuge in Japan. The purpose of the book is to raise awareness to a greater audience about their stories.
In this book, there are recipes shared by refugees from 15 countries and regions in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Although refugees’ memories may sometimes be haunted by experiences of oppression, the aroma and taste of their native dishes invoke memories of home and important people in their lives.
This book is dedicated to those who have taken refuge in Japan.
Part of the proceeds from the book will be used to support refugees living in Japan.
この本を制作した難民支援協会(JAR)は、 日本に逃れてきた難民が、新たな土地で安心して暮らせるように支え、ともに生きられる社会の実現に取り組んでいる認定NPO法人です。 年間600名以上から相談が寄せられ、専門スタッフが難民一人ひとりへの法律面、生活面、就労面での支援を行っているほか、制度改善のための政策提言・調査研究、情報発信など、日本の難民保護を目的として総合的に活動しています。 国連難民高等弁務官(UNHCR)駐日事務所のパートナー団体です。
Meal for Refugees(M4R)は難民の故郷の味を学生食堂に展開する学生主体のプロジェクトです。 日本にも難民が暮らしていることを知る機会を作ることを目的としており、 これまでに関西学院大学、早稲田大学、明治大学、東京女子大学、山梨英和大学など全国の35大学以上で導入されました。導入してみたい学生の方は、学生によるM4R事務局( m4r.office@gmail.com )までご連絡ください。Facebookページはこちら。
本書を参考に、安田菜津紀さん著『故郷の味は海をこえて: 「難民」として日本に生きる』(ポプラ社)が発売されました。日本に逃れた難民の方々は、なぜ、国を離れなくてはならなかったのか。どうやって日本にたどり着いたのか。思い出のつまった故郷の料理から一人ひとりのたどってきた道のりをひもとく一冊です。難民支援協会(JAR)は制作にあたり、全面的に協力をさせていただきました。
In this dish, Kinako powder(soybean flour) is used as a substitute for garbanzo flour which is used in Burma. There are many Burmese restaurants in Takadanobaba, and the area is known as little Yangon.
〈レシピ本 /Cook Book P76〉(レシピを見る)
作った人 | From the cook
ミャンマー(ビルマ)出身・女性 / Female from Myanmar(Burma)
母国では高校教師でしたが、日本に来てから希望する仕事に出会うことができず、「それならば自分で」と、ビルマ料理のお店を始めることにしました。お店は、話すこと、聞くこと、食べることがたくさんある場所。お店があるから、いろんな人と出会うことができました 。
I used to be a high school teacher in my home country. In Japan, I was not able to find a job that I wanted. Instead, I thought: “Why not start my own business?” So I opened my own Burmese restaurant. My restaurant is filled with people talking, listening and eating. My restaurant brought together variety of people.
・Spiced Chicken
and Potato Stew
・Tapioca Milke with
Sweet Potetoes
This is an easy-to-prepare salad, called torak. The taste of yoghurt is refreshing as many of the Kurdish dishes tend to be oily.
〈レシピ本 /Cook Book P14〉
作った人 | From the cook
クルド出身・女性 / Female from Kurd
For my son, the taste of home is the Kurdish dish I make. Of course, he also likes Japanese food-especially ramen! Our life is difficult and unpredictable, as we are still in the process of applying for refugee status. Making Kurdish food, however, gives me great joy. It reminds me of my home and of my childhood in my home county.
・ピーマンとナスの肉詰め煮込み ドルマ
・Fried Couscous Wrapped
Meatballs Icli Kofte
・Stuffed Vegetable Dolma
・Cucumber and Yoghurt Salad
In the Azeri region, Chinese chives are grown in abundance and are often used in home-cooked meals. A characteristic of Azeri cuisine is its use of many types of spices.
〈レシピ本 /Cook Book P18〉
作った人 | From the cook
アゼリ出身・男性 / Male from Azeri
Cooking tells us about a country’s history and culture. As I cook, I am reminded of the people from my own community. I can tell whether people are happy if I look at their faces as they eat good food. Twenty years has passed since I escaped to Japan. I haven’t been able to find a way to return to my country yet. If I could, I would love to return. Then, I would sit at the dinner table with my mother and brother once again.
・トマトと相性抜群 ニラたっぷりの卵焼き
・Easy Home-cooked Kebab
・Omelette with Chinese Chives
・Beef and Potato with Tomao Sauce
Refugees who have fled from their own countries
have been arriving to Japan to seek asylum.
A refugee is a person who had to escape from their home country to protect his or her life from conflicts and persecution. Every year, people from all over the world arrives in Japan too.
What they face in Japan is quite different from the peaceful new life that they had dreamed of. Most of them do not know anyone they can rely on.They have no accomodation and jobs. They do not understand the Japanese language and laws. In isolation and uncertainty, refugees have to survive while waiting for their refugee status to be granted. It usually takes 2.5 years, for some cases more than 5 years. In addition, Japan accepts very few refugees. In 2018, Only 42 out of about 10,000 people were granted refugee status.
>About Japan Association for Refugees
Japan Association for Refugees (JAR)'s mission is to ensure that all refugees who flee to Japan will be accommodated and settle down with hope in Japan. Every year, JAR provides assistance for 700 individual refugees from more than 70 countries including Africa and the Middle East. In addition to the support for each individual, JAR advocates to change the Japanese policy on asylum, and runs public campaign to raise awareness.
© 2013-2015 Japan Association for Refugees.